Country Style Pork Ribs on the Grill Recipe

Country Style Pork Ribs on the Grill Recipe

Making Country Style Pork Ribs on the Grill is Easy!


Here’s our recipe for creating a mouth watering meal in no time at all!

Country Style Pork Ribs Recipe


1lb of country style pork ribs per person. We like a lot of leftovers so often cook 3-4lbs at a time. Plus, come of the country style ribs will have a bone in them. This will leave you with  a little less meat than if you were buying regular steaks.

salt, pepper, and any barbecue sauce you like.


So, for this recipe it’s really very simple. We’re not looking to spend several hours smoking our ribs. That’s an absolute fantastic cooking method, but today we’re concerned with cooking an amazing meal right after you get home from work.

The country style pork ribs are actually not really ribs. They are the cut of meat that comes from between the Boston butt(Front shoulder) and the Loin. Essentially the front section of the loins where the pork chops end and meet the shoulder muscles.

Thawing country style pork ribs before cooking
Thawing country style pork ribs before cooking

Thawing the country style ribs is as easy as placing them into a bowl of warm water for half an hour. You could also defrost int he microwave on the defrost setting, but be aware you could start cooking the meat prematurely. Leaving the meat to thaw int he refriderator overnight is a great option also.

Country style pork ribs, sourdough bread, steamed broccoli waiting to be cooked
Country style pork ribs, sourdough bread, steamed broccoli waiting to be cooked

Get the grill going if using charcoal or wood. If using gas then preheating doesn’t really matter as much.

Lay the country style ribs out on a baking pan or glass pyrex baking dish in a single layer. Season with salt and pepper lightly, and your favorite barbecue sauce as desired.

Country style ribs have a lot of fat to them thats very similar to pork chops. This helps them stay fairly moist during cooking. However, the actual meat itself has very little marbling of fat, so overcooking can easily cause the meat to become a little dry. The barbecue sauce can help offset a little extra cooking time if you get distracted in the kitchen, as often happens.

Place the ribs on the grill. You want a medium high heat. It’s a good idea to sear the meat lightly at first to help seal in any juices. About 5 minutes per side.

If your fire is super hot, move the ribs to the side and slowly cook with indirect heat. You want a medium heat somewhere in the 250F range. A nice temp you can leave your hands over ht coals for a few seconds before having to move your hand away. About 15 minutes per side. You’ll have to play around with timing depending on how hot your fire is. The juices should just start to run clear when it’s done.

If your just learning to barbecue and cook over wood or coals, it’s always better to use a lower heat and longer cook time. It’ll be far more forgiving and won’t drive your meat out. Plus the extra time keep things tender and helps hold in the moisture. We often hot smoke meats around 200F, not over the coals but off to one side of the grill, for an hour or more when we have the time.

Remember, the meats will continue to cook for a few minutes even after you pull them off the grill. The outside temps of the meat will still be radiating to the center. So taking the meat off just as it looks like the meat juices are starting to run clear, then it will finish cooking as your prepping the rest of the dish.

Aslo, a meat thermometer with a probe can be bought for around $5. Cook the meat to an internal temperature of 140F and pull it off the grill. The temps will still continue to rise and likely reach 145F or so by the time it’s served.

Garnish with a nice carb and vegetable and your set to go! We love Home Made Sourdough bread and Steamed Broccoli!


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