Maine Pork and Chicken CSA!
Greetings and welcome to the Souder Station Farm Maine Pork and Chicken CSA for 2017! We are offering several boxes that make shopping for you super easy, saves you money, and creates a nice middle ground between our farm Sampler and Whole/Half hogs.
We now have 2 CSA options for Pasture and Woodland raised pork, and 2 options for Pastured Poultry.
Maine Pastured Pork Shares
Small Pork Share
1 Ham Steak
2 pkgs No-Nitrate Smoked Bacon
3 Pkgs Seasoned ground sausage( Your choice of 5 flavors as available)
2 Pork chops (1 pkg)
2 Country Style ribs (1 Pkg)
1 pkg Ground Pork (Unseasoned)
$100 The small Box will average around 13lbs

Large Pork Share:
2 Smoked Ham Steaks
6 pork chops(3 packs of 2)
1 roast( approx. 4-5 lbs)
6 Country Style Ribs(3pks of 2)
4 pkgs Nitrate free Bacon
6 pkg Flavored Ground Sausage (Your choice as available)
1 pkg Spareribs
2 Pkgs Ground Pork
1 Pkg Fat Back or Leaf lard
$300 The large Pork share will average around 33lbs.
Our animals are not confinement factory farmers animals and are not as uniform as cookie cutter factory animals. There will be slight variations in package sizes form time to time. Our goal is to always be above the average weights for our customers, and above all fully utilize the animals. Waste not, want not. By buying a Pork Share you are helping us to fully utilize the various cuts from the pigs, get a sweet variety that’s easy to purchase, and help you save money on incredibly healthy food for you and your family.

Maine pastured Poultry Shares
Small Chicken Share: 5 Pastured Raised Whole Birds$100
Large Chicken Share: 10 Pasture Raised Whole Birds $200
All birds will weigh on average a minimum of 4 lbs. Most often we average closer to 4.5lbs. When buying in bulk it means that all meat over 4 lbs is yours for FREE! Anything over the 4 lb minimum just reduces your cost/lb!
The Pastured Poultry Shares also really help us plan out our upcoming season, as well as have the capitol for all the upfront costs that go into production. It incentivizes us to produce the best tasting and healthy birds on the planet!
Chickens will be available June, July, and August.
By purchasing now you save more $ than buying retail at the farmers market. It also helps us a great deal planning for the coming year and gives us some upfront capital to work with. In this manner, our farm is very literally built and shaped by you and your continued support.
CSA Shares can be picked up on farm or at the various farmers markets we attend. We can also arrange delivery for large group orders.
A few of your questions answered below!